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Wednesday 5 June 2013

Different Types Of Grow Lights For Your Indoor Garden

If you want to grow your plants using Hydroponics system then you have to purchase many equipments, grow light is one of them. Grow light is used in Hydroponics for giving lights to your plants where natural source of light is not available, specially for your indoor gardening. So for successful Indoor Gardening you must have to select the proper grow light. There are numerous sorts of hydroponic grow light is accessible, incorporating Incandescent light, HID light, Fluorescent light, LED light. Every light has its own particular pros and cons so which light you need to utilize is rely on the types, amount and phase of plant's development. You should need to utilize top notch light to get best developing condition for your plants.
LED Grow Light
Hydroponic LED Grow Light for Indoor Garden

Incandescent Light

Our household bulbs are of incandescent type bulb. It accompanies with lots of yellow light and it produce lots of high temperature. This types of light is not much used in Hydroponic system because it produce many heat. If this bulb is kept much closer to plant than it might burn your plant, this bulb produces the light without utilizing ballast. You don't need to pay much for this types of bulb. At the time you are new in cultivating activity and you want lights for your plants than you can use this bulb.

HID Light

HID is pretty much the standard now for an indoor vegetable or herb garden. They are decently costly, and sizzling, however they supply the correct spectrum needed for flowering and fruiting crops, actually, they are quite close to what the sun provides.

There are two different types of HID lights.
1)Metal Halide (MH)

MetalHalide Grow lamps are the best light source for vegetative growth and are available with an otherworldly yield for each developing stage. Metal halide bulb emit blue and red spectrum light, select red for budding & flowering phase of plants, where blue range metal halide light is extremely handy to get more and huge leaves of plants and to quicken vegetative development. The burden of metal halide globule is its sturdiness, it has shorter lifetime than high pressure sodium light.

2)High Pressure Sodium (HPS)

High pressure sodium light is utilized where color range of light is very little required. In the early seasons of spring, one can use a high pressure sodium bulb. It can additionally be utilized on cloudy days. HPS light is used for growing plants faster. HPS bulbs are available in market within 35 watt to 1000 watt. High pressure sodium light bulb accompanies with red and orange light. Nowadays HPS light is one of the most used light because of its durability, the lifetime of HPS bulb is about 25,000 hours. This light increment the blooming state of plants. The biggest disadvantage of this light is that the cost of HPS light is high.

Fluorescent light

Fluorescent light is ideal for the starting seeds or cuttings. For the growing phase of your plants this lights is used. These are good for violets, orchids & other house plants that do not require much sunlight. The color spectrum of this light is good for booming condition of your plants. The main things which we should take care while using this bulb is that it is not that much durable. So you have to change it often. This light is also uses for doing the combination with any other growing light like High Intensity Discharge. The other most important things for using this bulb is that it can be fixed easily.


LED is abbreviated as Light Emitting Diode, which is some of the most efficient lights available in the market today. Compared to older incandescent bulbs, they are approximately seventy percent more efficient. This lamp accompanies with different color spectrum which play important role in plant's growing phase, It produces only small amount of heat which is good for plants and gardener because he doesn't have to pay much for cooling system. Eventually lighting needs depends on the plant. It comes in several levels of wattage dependent upon your requirements. The biggest advantages of LED light is its durability, the lifetime of this light is around 50,000 hours, so maintenance cost will be decreased.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Hydroponics- Best Way To Grow Your Plants using hydroponics equipment

Hydroponics is the process of growing plants in water without using soil with the use of nutrient solution. Hydroponics is the new technology for indoor gardening. This technique is becoming more popular because it doesn't require more water supplies and soil. By the hydroponics system you can grow your plants faster than the traditional growing system. Every system has some advantages and disadvantages. There are many benefits provided by hydroponics which makes it very popular.

Required Little Space

The biggest advantage of hydroponics is that it required little space for growing your plants. This is the reason why it is increasingly popular among home gardeners. Nowadays, this method is very popular among commercial farmers because they can make batter use of greenhouse space. If you are living in apartment and you don't have space for growing your plants than you can grow plants by using hydroponics method in your room's free space.

No Need To Wait For Special Atmosphere

In hydroponics method of growing plants you can grow your plants throughout the year means you don't need to wait for any season because you have to create the atmosphere for your plant. Hydroponics method is not using natural elements like sunlight, rain. There are many plants which are not growing in our area because of temperature that plants can also be grown with hydroponics method.

Lower Water Cost

Hydroponics method doesn't require much water supplies so it saves the water cost. In the hydroponics system water stays in the system and it can be reused so cost of water will decrease. In this system water goes directly to the plants so water will not get waste.

Less Amount Of Time And Effort Required

In hydroponics system less amount of time required for preparation of growing plants. No need to give your whole day for this method because most of the work like providing light and water is done by the system. Air and nutrient pumps are connected with timer so every few time it will throw air and nutrient automatically. So it doesn't required the much effort.

No Issues Of Bugs and Pest

In hydroponics, plants are grown indoor in controlled atmosphere so there is no issue of bugs and pest. Hydroponics eliminates dirt so it eliminates some soil born disease. Everything is given in enough level so it reduce the chance of pest.

There are also some disadvantages of hydroponics system.
Challenging For Beginners

Hydroponics can be the expensive for the beginners because they have to purchase all the equipment for starting their system like containers, grow lights, air and nutrient pump. The environment required for this process may cost little bit.